The little man has been waking me up with kicks in the middle of the night recently which I whole heartedly believe is to prepare me for what's to come in 3 short months. I am always amazed at what things are swimming around in my head at 3AM, but this first morning of 2013 was particularly special. I awoke with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Grateful for my husband and marriage. I can honestly say I fall in love with him a little more each day. Grateful for my spotted dog that was keeping me warm (why do major systems seem to fail on holidays? Our heat went out with 2012!) Grateful for our families, the holidays we were able to celebrate & share, & their constant support. Grateful for my business & clients. It's a pretty special thing when you get to do what you love every day. Grateful for those who I call friends, they add a special something to each and every day. I was truly overcome with an overwhelming sense of gratitude.
I hesitated to sit down and write this as it almost sounded trite, but my whole plan for BitP was to take it back to a place that is authentically me. The first day of the new year & first post back after a hiatus seemed like a good place to start. I salute you 2012, you brought many wonderful changes & opportunities my way. As I sit snuggling on the sofa full of oysters, black eyed peas, & collard greens I am embracing the New Year & all of the excitement & changes it will bring. Cheers! Here's to health, luck, prosperity .... and gratitude.
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