Monday, September 23, 2013

I fought the blog, & the blog won.

I've been struggling with my blogging identity for a while and the result has been lack of posting. To me, what makes a great blog isn't how many followers of comments you get, it's having your own authentic corner of the interwebs.  Blogs get categorized into neat little blocks where you can be a design blogger, a lifestyle blogger, a foodie blogger, or a mommy blogger. My life & interests are just not that cut and dry. When I started writing BITP it was mainly my exciting adventures as a early 20 something with a sprinkling of DIY, decor, & food adventures. My life has evolved so much since the early days, I wasn't sure how to make that translate. I don't need to be categorized into any little box. This is my space to write & share my authentic self, and I'm excited to share again.

{Hey look, there's a photo of my baby that hasn't been posted on IG yet. BAM.}

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