Friday, July 31, 2009


I get excited every time I open my tiny mailbox to discover a glossy mini-book left by my postman. Thanks to the badger's expiring frequent flyer miles, my magazine subscriptions have risen 10 fold this past year. I receive several cooking, shelter, lifestyle, news, and fashion magazines. To me there is no better way to wind down than flipping through the pages of a magazine.

The question then becomes: what do you do with them once you've finished? I noticed a nightstand sized stack of Vogues at the recycling center this week. Did their owner finally say enough is enough? My mom used the filing cabinet system and placed torn out ideas in folders. How do you save your favorite articles before sending the magazine off to be recycled?

I have been ripping and purging in attempt to create an idea binder with tabs for design ideas, recipes, pictures I'd like to paint one day ... we shall see how it goes!


Lexilooo said...

I just subscribed to Real Simple, I can't wait for the first one to arrive!

I have the same problem, especially with cooking magazines. I buy so many and then don't know what to do with them all! Currently, they are in stacks in my kitchen, but I need to find a way to organize them, because they are taking over!

Carrie said...

I just happened upon your blog and I love it! So glad to hear that I am not alone with my magazine collection! I have stacks and stacks, but also attempt to purge occasionally. I do have a folder, but it's filling up....What do you do when the "future folder" is overflowing!?

Unknown said...

Yep, I have a problem with magazines too. I get way too many and never know what to do with them. Maybe one of the crafty blogs has some cool way to make like a whole piece of furniture or something out of them... ;-)

Lauren Jade said...

I rip out everything that inspires me or interests me, then i trim and make them look nice, organize them accordingly and glue them on white card stock then file them in a big binder with different sections. i love magazines.

Piper Jacquelyn said...

I also tear out inspiring posts, pics, & recipes. The rest head away to the recycling bin unless it had a gorgeous cover or too much goodness to tear out. I love love love magazines!

Hannah D. said...

OMG I am the WORST magazine hoarder. I not only subscribe to way toooo many, but I rearely ever throw them out! When Blondie first moved in, we were cleaning out an extra closet and found TWO huge rubbermaid storage boxes full of them. Since then, he's limited me to one small bin under an end table. When it gets full, I clean it out throwing away trash rags and setting aside cooking, decor, etc. Then I go through them and rip out ideas and keep them in binders. Works for me, but I dread the day that basket is overflowing!

Jane said...

I send ALL my old magazines to RLA. Cracks me up ... he and the boys are sitting around in the big sandbox flipping through a southern living! :) And when he's not deployed, they go to whoever else is. Its a great way to recycle them! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Real Simple is my FAVORITE!! I tear out my favorite articles & categorize them (clothing, health, workout, home etc.) and put them in binders with the clear plastic stuff. I'm an organization freak!

SplendidlyImperfect said...

I get probably about 10 different magazines a month. It's crazy. When I'm done with them, they either go to the local senior citizen's home, the emergency room waiting area of the nearby hospital, or my friend's classroom for the kids to cut up for art projects.

If I want to save something, I scan it and save it to the computer. This way I can crop it down to the relevant information and I have no paper clutter!

KPB said...

I like your mom's idea about tearing out articles! I need to do that as well - I just keep all of the magazines like some crazy pack rat. I love organization ideas!! I just need to follow through and do it. :)

Hopsy said...

I get over 10 magazines too! It takes me a while to get through all of mine, but I tear out whatever I find extremely interesting or inspriing. I then file this in one of my three binders (home, fashion, events). I bring all my old magazines in to work and then let the other ladies go through them and take them home.

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

It is a rainy day here in La and I have enjoyed some blog reading....So glad I stopped by yours. Love your blog.

Anonymous said...

Most of the magazines I read (cooking mags) have websites. I create accounts and save all the recipes and articles in my account or "recipe box" whatever. I also go through and bookmark any places, stores, restaurants etc. Then I give the magazines to friends, employees etc.