Just call me the latest victim of the recession. When banks don't lend money, people don't build new houses, move, or renovate. And that leaves me without much to do. I'm still trying to wrap my head around not having to go to work tomorrow morning.
I am keeping my chin up. After some pavement pounding with Miss M&J, a poinsettia/vino/Chinese take out/"americone dream"/gossip girl viewing without complaining fest with the Badger, & a Goodberrys Peppermint surprise from my sister, I shall have a good nights rest. Tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities, even with the state of things as they are now. I will have a slightly longer holiday vacation.
When God closes one door, another one always opens. I just need to keep my eyes out for the right door and the next step in my career. (and I always welcome suggestions from my bloggy friends :) )
I'm so proud of you for being postive! Another door will open and I'm sure you will stumble upon it and be so happy!
I Stopped working for a different reason but there will be an open door or window and you just have to recognize it when you see it.
I didn't know what to do with myself at first and I am busy now that sometimes I come home and just collapse.
Things happen for a reason (I truly believe this). There will be something that you wouldn't have noticed that will be better for you.
You have a positive attitude and that is really half the battle.
Yummmm... I was just saying how I hadn't had good Chinese take out in awhile. I'll join you!
Let me know if I can do anything! I know you are going to do amazing things... perhaps this is just God's way of letting you do them! I'm here for ya anytime :)
I'm so sorry to hear about your job. You are in my prayers and I know God has great plans in store for you.
Good luck dear! I'll keep my eyes and ears open for ya :-)
Oh, sweetie! I'll be thinking about you... Please let me know if there's anything I can do.
This happened for a reason, and look at you! You get a longer Christmas Break than I do...I'm so jealous :)
With your positive outlook, something fabulous is bound to come your way! Enjoy the holiday season and I'll be praying for the things God has in store for you in 2009!
I'm glad you've got such a positive outlook on this! I'm sure something will come along that is just perfect for you. And I really wish I could swap one of our IDs for you... she's driving me crazy!
My mom is an interior designer as well and business has definitely slowed down.
Perhaps you could ice cookies in Vermont. My newest holiday helper has quit and we need help!!
Good luck, I'm sure something new will present itself. In the meantime, if you can, enjoy your free time.
keep on keepin' on sista ... lots of us are in the same boat!!! things will turn around and in the mean time we will keep praying :)
have a blessed day!
I'm so sorry to hear about your job...but remember to stay positive (which it sounds like you are doing a good job at that!) I'm sure you will find something better soon...but you may want to enjoy the holidays with lots of time to shop, decorate and eat cookies!!
I know what you're going through and how you feel, it's not easy. I'm not going to lie, some days are better than others. But put your faith in God and ask that he show you his will for your life, it has really helped my family. Please know that we're all here for you if you need some mini-therapy sessions, and trust me when I say it helps to just put your feelings out there. Your in my thoughts and prayers and I pray that your spirits stay lifted and your positive outlook continues until the next chapter in your life opens.
Sorry to hear about this, but I'm excited to see what opportunities you encounter in your future. It seems like you have set yourself up for wonderful possibilities with your positive attitude.
I'm so sorry to hear about this. That is great that you are looking on the bright side. Something better must be just around the corner. Take time now to do things you love since you have the time. Hopefully Christmas will keep you busy and your mind off everything else. I hope something good comes along!
I've been struggling with the same stuff. I'm choosing to stay positive and make a great Christmas for Landon and hubby. There's so much to be grateful for!
im praying for you!
Hang in there sweetie! I'll be praying for you and getting you a nice treat in the mail on Tuesday!!!
You are so right with the "when one door closes..." Maybe better things are right around the corner!
Either way, I will keep you in my prayers!
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