... it MIGHT just MIGHT snow (thats what my mom/teachers told me when I was little!)... You see my friends, we RARELY get to see the white stuff in the South. So when there is a chance (even for a lunchtime flurry) we get really excited!
Fingers crossed, and I promise to be really quiet today :)
WRAL said flurries @ lunch.... I am keeping my fingers crossed!!
Noooooooooooooo. I love snow as much as the next person, but we can NOT afford to miss any days of school this year (we'd lose days off of our Spring Break). Here's to early dismissals on Fridays and 2-hour delays on Mondays though :)
I want some snow!!! what is the chances of us getting some here in GA? slim to none I am sure!
i'll keep my fingers crossed for you. i could become a mute and we still wouldn't get any snow :(
Thanks for the wedding well wishes!
...hope it snows for you!
Snow!!!?? It was eighty here today!!!
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