Mall Management across this great nation---
As a former retail employee I understand the importance of making the most from the holiday shopping season. Yes, I am aware that there are only 63 days left until Christmas. This, on the other hand, does NOT make it "ok" for you to trim your trees with boughs of holly prior to hosting a costume contest for the little ghosts and goblins. I understand you can get confused, after all, the jolly fellow dressed in red & white could be confused for a wayward contestant. Never fear, for I am here to clarify. He is just a fill in for the man at the North Pole who is very aware that the main event is just 63 days away.
I've compromised and given you permission to drive mall employees everywhere nuts for 2 months worth of Muzak's greatest holiday hits. Now please, just give us back October.
Kind Regards,
Committee member to leave the 'Fa La Las' until after 'Trick or Treat'
Committee member to leave the 'Fa La Las' until after 'Trick or Treat'
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Online shopping - 1, mall shopping - 0.
Couldn't have said it better myself! They need to slooooow down! I loooove Christmas, but its reserved for a special time of year! That's what makes it so special!
I completely agree! I love to see store windows decorated for the holidays and have lovely memories of my parents taking me to see the windows of the old-school department stores in DC and Baltimore, and even NY when wed make our annual trip...but I think Christmas (or any December holiday) decorations should be unveiled the day AFTER Thanksgiving!
Nordstrom still does it right.
AGREED!!! You said it sister!
While I do agree that Christmas decor shouldn't go up just yet, I must admit I love that I can start shopping online for decorations (especially ornaments) already!
I totally agree. I was at the mall the other day and thought WTF? I was told by one of the ladies that they've had their decorations out for three weeks already!! Ridiculous!
I completely agree!!
Having worked in malls for a huge part of my previous career, couldn't have said it better myself. I hate that Christmas stuff goes up before Halloween. Ridiculous!
Good grief. I love the holidays, but if they start Christmas this early I am going to be over it by Thanksgiving.
Could not agree more! Im enjoying my pumpkins and mums on my front porch and have no desire to hang up the Christmas lights quite yet.
HAHA! I couldn't agree with you more. And tell the freaking radio stations its a little pre-mature to be breaking out the Christmas muzak this early as well!
I work for Clinique and must say that it IS ridiculous! We've had our little Xmas tree and garlands up for almost 2 weeks now. Yikes!
That is just plain wrong!!!
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