Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My dog ate my donation.

The badger & I went shopping for a new homeless ministry at our church. We signed up to supply the drinks for the week. The milk, oj, & apple juice were in the fridge....the flats of water in the trunk....the juice boxes in a grocery bag by the door ready to go. What did pete do while we were at work? {Guilty}

What did pete do while we were at work? Unwrap a bunch of juice boxes & pull off the straws. Apparently he thinks he is a toddler in need of a juicy juice fix.


Lindsay // Vineyard Loveknots said...

Hahha oh my gosh... funny pic!!!
Vineyard Loveknots

Sweet Simplicity said...

The look on his face is priceless!

DSS said...

Ha! Louis would have done exactly the same thing :) So cute. Clearly you canot be upset with him....Awww...

Jen said...

Oh no Pete! My dog would have done the same thing. She gets into water bottles, and somehow manages to unscrew the caps off them and then drink the water.

Pink, Green, and Southern said...

Hahaha that face is great!

Denim and Pearls said...

Oh Pete!! Adorable. What a mischievous boy.

At least I'm skinny said...

Hahahaha, I love his face! That is too funny.

Jenny DB said...

OMG LOok at his face! HE TOTALLY knows he was a bad boy. How is it dogs have this face??? It's amazing!!!

Anyway, having my first giveaway on my blog so come check it out before it ends Monday if that's your sortof thing :-) Happy Friday