Monday, February 28, 2011

Brilliant (and probably so last year. or the year before. i'm so behind.)

With over a 60 mile a day mainly interstate commute, I've fallen in love with books on tape. I've been using my local library's handy online reservation system for over a year now & it's been great. Add the books I want to read listen to my list & they email me when available for pick up. Fabulous. Just like netflix for books. (but free!)

This weekend while updating my cue I noticed several of the titles I wanted were only available in e-format. I did a little clicking and BAM, I can download them instantly to my ipod. For all those commuters out there you should definitely check into downloadable books on tape from your local library, it certainly helps me pass the time!

I'm listening to a little Julia now, & have Water for Elephants next!


Randall @ Happy For This Moment said...

Both were such great books! I love listening to books in the car and podcasts too.

Kiki said...

i should read Water for Elephants so i can be prepared for the movie. thanks for sharing and take care.

Jenny DB said...

Currently reading Fall of Giants but Water for Elephants is next on my list... I have yet to jump on board with Books on Tapes, but considering how good fall of giants is, i have to refrain from reading in the car. SO maybe that would be something to consider :-)

Heather said...

What a great idea! Sorry your commute is so long.

Princess Freckles said...

I listened to My Life in France too! Loved it!

DSS said...

I'm reading My Life in France as we speak!! Do you love it? I wish I had thought of getting it "on tape" for my long drive earlier this week. I'm totally going to sign up at my local library.

Never fear...there is someone more behind than you :)

Jen said...

I have never tried books on tape. My commute is only 10 mins, so I would probably get frustrated I had to go into work and would just want to sit in the car all day..ha! I loved Water for Elephants though, and can't wait for it to come out as a movie!