Monday, November 15, 2010

Friday. Saturday. Sunday.

I think the stars must have aligned for a week of grumptasticness all around the board. (It seems like everyone I talked to had a long one last week!) After a long & traffic filled commute home, Friday night closed the no-good-very-bad-week thus kicking off a fabulous weekend.

{toasting the recent marriage of some friends whilst dancing to a fabulous band}

{gussied up girls}

{Saturday brought the great closet swap & addition of magic hangers. These slim lined beauties nearly doubled my hanging space from the plastic hangers i had before!}

{We celebrated our 1 year engagement anniversary with lamb chops & homemade sweet potato chips!}

{...and finished the weekend with some serious 1/3 our bill couponing savings, a homemade philly cheese steak, and a little football!}

1 comment:

Heather said...

Sorry to hear about your bad week but it sounds like a good weekend. That is some impressive coupon savings.