Thursday, August 14, 2008

Movin' In.

The triangle is home to many a university, and this particular weekend in August always is move in day. It makes the news. Traffic typically backs up. Target, Walmart, and K-Mart is as busy as it is on Black Friday. Despite the Saturday errand "tie ups" and inconveniences for us non-students, there is something about "back to school." It brings a new hunger for knowledge, new friends, and of course new exciting social events.

I'm always a bit nostalgic on this particular day in August from my wonderful college experience. I am a graduate of a Women's College that took move in day to a whole new level. It was as if you were off to summer camp. As you pull through the front gates you were greeted by a GIANT balloon arch (the photo above does no justice). I have never seen one as large in my entire life (and I know, I made it once)! I still remember what my first dorm room looked like. I remember the nerves of meeting my roommate and suite mates. I remember the "instant connection" I made with some girls that have turned into my best friends. I remember being thankful Mom, Dad, and Sister were there to help me un-pack and run the above mentioned errands for the "uh oh i forgot ____" moments. I look back on that day with a big smile on my face.

Here's to back to school!

Does anyone else have great college move in memories?


magnoliabelle said...

hey! I have that same woman's college move-in experience too...baloons...singing...dry erase boards...

my favorite was being an ra or an sa and being on campus prepping for the freshmen prior to their had time to get everything perfect before it got crazy...

Rachel Ann said...

I was an orientation leader, so I helped craft those move-in memories for other students.

At my school, the staff, faculty and alumni helped move students in. My parents loved that the chancellor carried boxes up the stairs! I think it was also a great introduction to how going to and graduating from a small college made you a part of a new family.

The Roaming Southerner said...

Oh I have those same memories. Move in day did feel like camp. Since I went to an all girls camp in NC, I total get what you mean by that...I almost went to a woman's college because of it.

You are right: there is something in the air this time of year.

Preppy Money Penny said...

Did you go to Meredith? Have we already gone over this? I know magnoliabelle is a Meredith girl...

I did always love move in day :-) Sadly both of my sisters are off-campus girls, so I haven't been able to reminisce.